Wednesday 28 December 2011

A Darkened Candle-lighted Church - a Cave in Bethlehem

A darkened Church, illuminated but by the flickering of candles lighted for the salvation of our souls and the souls of others. The sweet smell of incense, reminiscent of heaven itself. And the quiet chanting of the Akathist of the Holy Nativity of Christ.

Who could ask for more, for surely in such a time as in our little Mission tonight, as in the cave in Bethlehem, Heaven itself descended upon us and illumined out hearts and minds - illumined our hearts and minds so that we can pray with the utmost compunction the Prayer of the Akathist:

“And we have come to realize that this dread sentence (what would befall Israel if they departed from the Way of the Lord) hath been directed against us and our fathers as well.  For, failing to fear Thy threat and paying no heed to Thy loving-kindness, we have forsaken the path of Thy righteousness and walked in the will of our own hearts, and have made no attempt to hold Thee, the God of men’s understandings and hearts, in our mind. Moreover, treating the traditions of our fathers as of no import, we have abandoned Thee for others…… But do Thou, O compassionate and merciful God, Who art long-suffering, greatly merciful and true, Who maintainest justice and workest mercy among the thousands, Who takest away iniquities, injustices and sins, having abandoned us for a little time, have mercy upon us according to Thy great mercy, and having visited our unrighteousness with a rod, as a compassionate father doth his children, so do Thou spare us.”
 From the Final Prayer  of the Akathist of the Nativity

On the Eve of the Memorial of the 14,000 infants slain by Herod it is all the more fitting that we recognize in ourselves the same greed and pride and malice that led to that slaughter and repent.

Herod, the enemy of God, showeth himself to be a pillar and wall of God-opposing malice and a spawn of great iniquity, who tried to slay Him Who giveth life unto all, and at his command innocent babes were reaped by the sword, like unripe grain; wherefore, having driven all malice from our hearts, let us glorify Him Who came to save us, crying:
Glory to Thee, Who didst show Herod’s intention to be in vain!
Glory to Thee, Who hast numbered with the angels the babes he slew!
Glory to Thee, O Destroyer of malice!
From Ikos 10 of the Akathist of the Nativity

Christ is born! Let us glorify Him!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. 

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